18047 Pasta Fragola STRAWBERRY


Code:  18047

FDA License:  10-3-10650-1-0123

Packing:  2,5 Kg/Tin

Self life:  24 months

Origin:  ITALY

Brand: Mec3


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2,5 KG/TIN-2 TIN/CARTON. Dosage (Suggested): 30-50 grams/Liter, used together fresh fruit, to balance and reinforce natural Fruit taste. 70-100 Grams/liter as total substitute of the fruit.
100% natural strawberry paste. Works with water as well as milk base. As total substitute of fresh fruit, or in lower dosage, to support and balance the taste in recipes that includes the fresh or frozen ones.

Code:  18047

FDA License:  10-3-10650-1-0123

Packing:  2,5 Kg/Tin

Self life:  24 months

Origin:  ITALY

Brand: Mec3